electrical engineering
Electrical Engineering begins with the establishment, in 1913, of a school of electricians, then transformed into the Electrotechnical Institute, next to the University of Bucharest. In 1921 King Ferdinand promulgated the decree establishing a Polytechnic School in Bucharest, with 4 sections, including Electromechanics. By applying the education reform of 1948, the Polytechnic School takes the name of the Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest, within which the Faculty of Electrotechnics is individualized, from which the faculties of Electronics, Automation and Energy are subsequently separated.
Starting with the academic year 2005-2006, the name of the faculty becomes Electrical Engineering. The Faculty of Electrical Engineering is affiliated with the Romanian Consortium of Electrical Engineering faculties - a national academic network for all 17 faculties with electrical profile.
The Faculty of Electrical Engineering provides the graduates with theoretical and practical skills in the field of electrical engineering, through the formation of technical and computer skills for research, design and creation of dedicated software.
The mission of the faculty is to train specialists with superior skills and abilities in the field of electrical engineering and related fields at the three levels: bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees, as well as the development of theoretical and applied research of the highest level.
The Faculty of Electrical Engineering, through its study programs, responds to the needs of the labor market from us in the country and to the general evolution of this market, the strengths of the faculty being: the diversified conception of the curricular offer at the level of the bachelor's degrees, master's programs with character deepening, faculty characterized by high competence, fundamental and applied scientific research of high level, the material base in continuous modernization, the integration in the European area of education and research.
The faculty has an important material base, achieved mainly through European programs, national research programs and grants and through state budget investment funds, having efficient laboratories in which the didactic activities are carried out for the 44 disciplines provided with the laboratory, but also research activities.
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A remarkable achievement is the photovoltaic power plant of 30 KWp, the largest in southeastern Europe.
Within the three departments, there are didactic activities in laboratories equipped with computer technology, electrical, electronic equipment and data acquisition, students obtaining modern and current knowledge, representative laboratories for the faculty being: Electrotechnics, Numerical methods, Electrical measurements, Electrotechnical materials , Static power converters, Electric machines, Electric drives, Electrical Engineering for Medicine, Applied informatics, Electromagnetic compatibility, Electrical apparatus and equipment.
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